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Style Guide and Module Templates

Creative Experience with Intuit


This professional partnership was divided into two main tasks: the production of a style guide and the design of learning module templates to accompany it. Our team of three graduate students had an equal hand in writing and designing each part of this project through an iterative process with the goal of creating a cohesive, accessible, and immersive standard for learning modules.

Articulate Rise & Storyline
Adobe Illustrator

As the basis for our templates, our style guide was first priority. Intuit’s project manager provided current style guidelines within the company for us to use as a basis and we built a style guide specific to learning and design from this foundation up. Each iteration was reviewed by Intuit’s learning and design team to ensure thorough consideration of details.


Once we had a comfortable alpha version of this document, we moved on to templates production. Building the templates provided a chance for us to fully visualize our parameters, tweak, and send them to be tested by Intuit. Several weeks of iterations led to our final designs, which incorporated direct instruction, interactive activities, videos, and assessment.


In addition to all this, I also personally contributed icon design and professional voiceover to this project.


During this project I learned the dizzying number of facets to be considered in a style guide, the ins and outs of Rise and Storyline, and the true value of an amazing team. It also taught me to have more confidence in my skills, many of which transfer from one platform to another in spite of the learning curve.

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